Why Donate?

The Lycoming County Health Improvement Coalition Inc. (LCHIC) marks 28 years with a vision of a healthy community working together to create a healthy environment and recognition that the health and safety of OUR community is a community-owned asset of which we are ALL trustees.

Our mission continues to work to improve the health status of the Lycoming County community by identifying and facilitating responses to inspiring better lives. To continue our outreach and community benefit, it needs real, meaningful participation of all stakeholders and citizens in a truly collaborative process.

Our successful history of benefitting our community through collaboration in addressing health concerns, challenges, and a growing volunteer base. We hope you or your organization/company will join others to support our commitment to a healthy community.

Note: You may also donate by mailing a check to:

1100 Grampian Boulevard Williamsport, PA 17701

LCHIC is a 501 (c) 3 NONPROFIT Organization and is registered as a charitable organization with PA Department of State, Bureau of Corporation and Charitable organization and is authorized to solicit charitable contribution.