Community and Rural Health Awareness

What We Do

Mission: Identify priority needs through feedback and local data from local persons and groups living in communities in Lycoming County.

About Us

PAST INITIATIVES…. include 2015-18, Strengthening Families Program an evidence-based program that fosters communication among families to promote healthy anti-drug behaviors. In 2015, this task force updated the MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES section of the Lycoming County United Churches “where to get services” guide.
Future community input and population health needs surveys will focus for example, on accessibility to rural health, tobacco use, family dynamics.
CARHA task force members represent “all walks of life” including:
  • legislators
  • mental health
  • private health providers
  • public assistance,
  • Office of the Aging
  • heart and cancer health centers
  • health professionals.
Promising initiatives include Tobacco Resistance Units, Elder Abuse task force, and trauma care. Contact the Coalition Coordinator, Tim Mahoney